How to buy HOOK
1. Where can I buy HOOK?
If you press 'Buy HOOK' at the top right corner at Neverland website, you can easily access KLAYswap.
2. How can I Buy HOOK?
1) Go to KLAYswap homepage, and press 'Start KLAYswap'
2. A pop-up page will come up. Press the wallet that you are using🙂
3. Let me show you how you can connect Metamask!
If you click 'Connect to Metamask wallet', Metamask will automatically appear. Enter in your password and it will connect automatically. (If you have already logged in to your Metamask, you don't have to enter the password to connect. It will automatically let you in.)
Klip, Kaikas works with the same flow! If you need help on either of the wallets, feel free to request at our Telegram - Global.
4) You are almost there! If you don't have HOOK, go to [KLAYswap > My assets] and add it to your assets.
a. Press 'Swap' from the above categories. Choose the token you have like KLAY or KSP etc. in 'From' and enter HOOK in 'To'.
Note! You should have enough tokens you chose in 'From' for transaction fees. Press 'Swap' after making sure you have enough tokens for fees.
b. Transaction Request pop-up page will show.
c. To check if your transaction has been approved, check [My assets] and you will see the below screen.
Last updated